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tv   America This Morning  ABC  January 9, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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making news this morning. the runaway race. >> to mitt romney wrap up the domination with a win tomorrow? the front-runner facing angry protesters just hours after the back-to-back debates. gabby's pledge, leaving tucson and say the pledge of allegiance after the city marks one year of mourning. gabrielle giffords' uplifting moment. and denver celebrates tebow time as the broncos' golden boy gets a huge overtime win. good morning, everyone. i'm paula faris. >> and i'm rob nelson. we'll get to the battle for new hampshire just a second. but first, the story's breaking
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right now. iran has sentenced an american man to death after convicting him of spying for the cia. amir hekmani was just visiting his grand mother when iranian forces arrested him. >> this becomes a day after iran announced it had begun enriching uranium. and the west is ready to impose stiffer sanctions. also a huge carbon monoxide leak overnight sending 40 people from the u.s. merchant marine academy to the hospital. the school is located just outside of kings point, new york, a spokeswoman said no one is seriously injured and an investigation is wrapped up. now, we turn to the gop race and a new poll that shows the race could be wrapped up pretty soon. abc' t.j. winick is in new hampshire with the latest.
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>> rob and paula, good morning to you. well it may be obvious who is going to win here in new hampshire tomorrow, but who comes in second could determine if mitt romney faces a real challenge in south carolina or if the path to the nomination is considerably easier. >> reporter: the battle of new hampshire is the battle for second place. mitt romney hold what is appears to be an insurmountable lead in the granite state in the last day of campaigning before the briem marry. romney's biggest competition last night was from occupied protesters at this campaign event. >> this president has caused a deepening recession and is responsible for 25 million americans being out of work or stop working or not able to get jobs. >> reporter: in the latest wmur poll taken, the massachusetts governor holds a 41% lead over ron paul. while jon hunterman is locked in a third-place tie with rick
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santorum but is surging. >> who is to say what happened tuesday night. you know what, we're going to rise tuesday night. >> reporter: over the night, there were two debates here, less than 12 hours apart. the front-runner was a popular target. >> we want someone moo is going to stand up and fight. not bail out and not run to the left of ted kennedy. >> reporter: but with romney still favored to win the contest, the other candidates are putting their hopes on the next primary, south carolina, on january 21st. that's where rick santorum and rick perry campaigned sunday and where newt gingrich is clearly focused. >> i think we have clearly begun to set the stage for south carolina. we've clearly begun to describe the gap are between a massachusetts moderate and a reagan conservative. >> all the candidates are back here in new hampshire for one last day of campaigning, except for rick perry who has pretty much written off new hampshire and is still in south carolina. rob and paul.
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>> it looked like he unleashed some new jersey attitude on the protesters out there. >> tha did. that event was actually in new hampshire and he actually shouted back at the protesters and saying their angry was blamed at president obama, blaming the president. even called one of the protesters sweethearts. as you said, the new jersey governor never had a loss for words. not a bad guy to have on your side in a fight like this. >> good point. thanks, t.j. a new book out tomorrow called "the obamas revealed." michelle obama is reported to have clashed with her husband's aides, even rom emanuel.
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the event was never discussed publicly. >> though it was an emotional weekend in arizona as the victims of the tucson shooting were remembered, it was one year ago that the shot s rang out ina safeway parking lot. tahman bradley reports on the somber ceremonies. >> reporter: representative gabrielle giffords took to the stage honoring the dead and those whose lives were shattered one year ago. giffords lit the first of 19 candles, one for each wounded or killed in the rampage. shot in the head and undergoing rehabilitation, giffords has fought her speech. but last night, she recited the "pledge of the allegiance" perfectly. >> with liberty and justice for all. >> we've even seen it tonight as my incredible wife gabby led us in the "pledge of allegiance."
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>> reporter: bells rang earlier in the day at 10:11 a.m., the precise moment the shooting began one year ago. >> we remember, celebrate, we believe. >> reporter: in just 16 seconds, a lone gunman killed six people, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl. giffords and 12 others were wounded. the congresswoman triumphantly returned to that safeway parking lot for the first time on saturday. the three-term congresswoman has not yet announced if she'll seek re-election. >> what's important to her is her ability to do the job, you know, how she feels about that. so she's looking forward to the next few months in making the decision. >> although he did not attend the service, president obama called congresswoman giffords to offer his support and prayers. ron and paula. >> thanks a lot. snow in new mexico in western texas, from san antonio to new orleans to shreveport. showers in tennessee, arkansas,
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mississippi and a foggy morning in birmingham. mountain snow in the pacific northwest. >> seattle has 51, sacramento, 61. phoenix, 50. 43 here in new york. and almost 80 in miami. >> all of us should live in miami. >> picture yourself right there now. >> yes, serenity now. coming up after the break, a major recall of drugs that might be in your medicine cabinet. we'll have the full list. plus, we'll show what you to expect from the consumers electronics show in las vegas. and it's every bungee jumper's worst nightmare. but for one young woman, it came true. and she's talk
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financial industry workers may still be feeling the effects of a pretty disappointing 2011. their bonuses are likely to be the lowest since the start of the vehicles, if they get one at all. one reason is increasing criticism over compensation on wall street. also, investors are cautious after another meeting of european leaders. tokyo's nikkei exchange was closed. hong kong's hang seng gained 270 points. in london, the ftse opened higher. in wall street, it picked up 142 points. the nasdaq up 69. novartis is recalled
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bottling of excedrin, nodoz and bufferen and gas-x. there have been no complaints from consumers and novartis says the recall is being done as a precaution. and gas prices are heading back up sharply. according to aaa, the average price of a gallon of regular rose more than 9 cents in the past week. the reason, higher crude oil prices. >> make sure you check your gas-x at home. >> talking about gas prices going back up. >> yeah. well, there are two big trade shows this week. both showcasing technology. the international consumer electronics show opens this evening in vegas. it's the largest trade show held this hemisphere for any industry. >> i'm going to get you back. and the electronics industry will bring out some stars this week. "jersey shore's" snooki will
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bring out wireless headphones and "baby baby" justin bieber will introduce an entertainment robot. and also for the auto industry this year, cadillac isn't waiting for today's opening of the north american auto show. the any cadillac ats was debuted yesterday. i could see you in one of those, rob. >> ford today will show us its redesigned fusion, it will be the same design in markets both here and broad. it will include two types of hybrids. and next up on this monday morning, a bomb sent to a colorado woman explodes in her lap. new details in a search for the suspect. >> scary story there. plus, another incredible performance for -- that's right, the man of the hour -- tim tebow and his broncos. we'll be right back.
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look at this. houston skyline is a little less crowded this morning. the former prudential life building that stood for six decades came crumbling down in a matter of 20 seconds. it makes way for a center. theec location of a library. take a look at your morning road conditions on this monday. snow on i-20. west to the east all the way to alabama. florida slick on i-35. texas on i-40 and tennessee. also fog could hamper driving from atlanta down to birmingham. wet on i-5 in the pacific northwest. >> if you are flying, airport delays are possible in dallas, houston, new orleans, atlanta, memphis, charlotte and seattle. and next right now, a new
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year's and adventure that went horribly wrong. >> a 20-year-old travelled to go bungee jumping. >> reporter: one deep breath and erin jumped from 365 feet up. then the unthinkable, the cord snapped. >> went black. and it felt like i'd been slapped all over. >> she's in the water! >> reporter: she came to in the rapids in the rocky shores of the zambezi river. the rope trailing behind. >> i had to swing down and yank the bungee cord out. >> reporter: erin survived it, spending a week in the hospital. >> it's definitely a miracle i survived. >> reporter: authorities say 50,000 people have jumped from that bridge for a decade. never before has the cord snapped. >> you can hear more from erin
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about her ordeal. she'll be on "good morning america" coming up later this morning. >> lucky, lucky girl. >> very lucky. well, the ex-husband of a colorado bomb victim has now been named as a person of interest in the case. the bomb exploded in the woman's lap as she and her current husband were driving to a car. the neighborhood was evacuated while hazmat crews investigated. authorities have searched the man's home. with children's questions about slavery and beatings. one of the questions read "each tree had 56 oranges. if 8 slaves picked them equally, then how much would each slave pick. a district spokeswoman greed the questions were inappropriate. but they were trying to cross-teach social studies with math lessons. it was a big day for football fans.
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the bcs national championship game between alabama and the tigers tonight. tim tebow will well in the pros to. >> reporter: good morning, i'm zubin mehenti with your espn news update. the wildcard playoffs living up to the name. they were indeed, wild. ben roethlisberger and the steelers taking on tim tebow and the broncos. second quarter, denver up one. tebow running well and into the end zone. broncos up 14-6. first quarter, steelers down 7, roethlisberger, with time, extending the play. finding jerricho cotchery in the end zone. we're tied at 23-23. now it will be the first playoff game with o.t. in effect. overtime did not last wrong, demaryius thomas. tebow passed for 16 yards on ten
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completions. patriots up next for the broncos. meanwhile, the giants taking on the falcons. eli manning still looking for that first home playoff victory. second quarter, giants down 2-0. manning to hakeem nicks. third quarter, giants up 10-2. and manning will find hicks again. it's the longest touchdown reception in new york giants' playoff history. fourth quarter, same score. manning's got two touchdown tosses, you were take it three. as he hits mario manningham in the end zone. giants roll 24-2, next up for them, green bay packers at lambeau field. all four wildcard home teams were able to take a victory. that's the first time that's happened since 2006. and that is your espn news update, i'm zubin mehenti.
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have a great week. they're probably still celebrating in denver this morning. >> that's right. >> again -- i wanted to see the tebowing again. >> outside mile high stadium, pandemonium, celebrating a big o.t. win. in honor of their new idol, yep, they were tebowing, too. next up, the pope and the security team involved in beyonce's new baby. plus, the sport -- oh. i want healthy skin for life.
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time now for take "the pulse" of pop culture, starting with a major milestone for the duchess of cambridge. >> yes, the prince and kate were at the premiere of "war horse." we're told it will be much more low-key and private as the duchess celebrating they are 30th birthday. >> it could be very private,.the couple lives in a remote area of wales where william, of course, is a helicopter pilot. and one of the most anticipated arrivals of the decade, beyonce and jay-z celebrate the birth of their first child. >> baby girl blue ivy carter is
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born. >> hospital security put in place for blue ivy's birth was so tight that one faether complained that he couldn't even get into the neonatal area to see his premature twins. >> congratulations to new mom or dad. believe it or not, the bowler you're about to see is a professional. >> starting to figure things out. fagan lurking. oh, my goodness, gracious. >> oh, wow. that is just humiliating. >> josh was taking part in the bowling competition when the ball got stuck in his fingers. >> he wobbled on the alley where you can see he slipped and fell. amazingly, no one in the audience laughed. that's because we weren't there. it will probably show up on
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blooper reels for some time. >> who knew bowling was so dangerous. >> for some of you your local news is next. >> for others, the joe paterno story. that's not in our policy. i will transfer you now. my supervisor is currently not available. would you like to hold ? that department is currently closed. have i helped you with everything you needed ? if your bank doesn't give you knowledgeable customer service 24/7, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. [ woman ] i was ready for my trip, but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below the enamel surface to whiten as well as
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♪ have a good daisy updating today's top news stories now. new poll numbers show mitt romney heading into tomorrow's new hampshire primary still the front-runner. but he's losing ground to jon huntsman and rick santorum. it was an emotional moment as congresswoman gabrielle giffords led the pledge of allegiance. and the lights of "one life to live" signs off for good this coming friday. looking at today's weather, flurries from maine to michigan. rain from the carolinas to central texas. snow in west texas and new mexico. rain and mountain snow over pacific northwest. and finally from us this morning, penn state's legendary
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football coach joe paterno lost his job, of course, last november in the wake of the sandusky sex scandal. and joe pa has been battling lung cancer. >> tom rinaldi got an update from paterno's sonja jay. how's your father's health? >> he's doing great. anytime you have this fight on your hands, you have to have a fighting spirit which joe has. and he's fighting like crazy. but it takes energy out of him like it does anybody else. he said, i do get time from time to time. 30-year-olds get tired. he's fighting and he's very anxious to get out there soon and start to tell his side of the story. and start to express, you know, all the facts. what that timetable is, i don't know exactly but he's clampiham at the bit. >> jerry sandusky has maintained
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his innocence consistently. what do you believe? >> i don't believe anything yet. i think for us to americans to wait for due process to happen. to let the facts come out. >> what has life been like for your dad without football as a daily mission? >> i don't know that he knows what that is like yet because of the cancer treatments. so every day, he's had a fight to go fight. and that's what really drives him in his life. it's not what he did. it's what's next. and i think one of the things that joe has stressed throughout the whole time is, yeah, i'm going through some tough things. but there's a lot of other things going on over the last couple months. there's some victims out there that we need to keep in our thoughts. he stressed that a couple times. this is win number 410, probably the most important win you've got, to beat cancer. he's pushing us to stop feeling y


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